Monday, September 8, 2008

Present Coverage Under National Child Labor Project:

So far 76 child labor projects have been sanctioned under the National Child Labor Project Scheme for covering 150,000 children. Around 105,000 children are already enrolled in the special schools. The next table gives the figures of the state-wise coverage of children under the National Child Labor Project.

Coverage under National Child Labor Project

State Districts Sanctioned Schools Coverage Children Actual Schools Coverage Children
Andhra Pradesh 20 807 43550 610 36249
Bihar 08 174 12200 173 10094
Gujarat 02 040 2000 023 1254
Karnataka 03 100 5000 024 1200
Madhya Pradesh 05 138 9800 087 6524
Maharashta 02 074 3700 024 1200
Orissa 16 430 33000 239 14972
Rajasthan 02 060 3000 054 2700
Tamil Nadu 08 379 19500 307 14684
Uttar Pradesh 04 150 11500 105 7488
West Bengal 04 219 12000 164








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